Eleanor Collides
581 star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined
#13 in United Kingdom #36 in Global
- 💎 Rare The Unbearable Weight Of What If (with Emily Gray) By
Eleanor Collides Folk, Indie, Singer Songwriter10 star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined
- Lifeboats By
Eleanor Collides Alt Rock, Indie, Singer Songwriter85 star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined
- Porcelain (Feat. Cecilee) By
Eleanor Collides Singer Songwriter, Acoustic, Indie159 star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined
- Me Against The Dark By
Eleanor Collides Acoustic, Folk, Indie85 star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined
- 15:45 Daydreams and Algorithms (Gorilla Remix) By
Eleanor Collides Electronic, Electro, Goth30 star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined
- 12:28 The Photographer By
Eleanor Collides Indie, Alternative, Singer Songwriter, Alt Rock74 star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined
- Headlights By
Eleanor Collides Indie, Alt Rock, Alternative, Rock69 star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined
- Pantomime By
Eleanor Collides Alt Rock, Alternative, Indie, Singer Songwriter44 star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined
- 15:04 Lifeboats - Live By
Eleanor Collides Singer Songwriter, Indie, Alternative25 star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined star_outlined
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